Does back pain have anything to do with lungs?

Does back pain have anything to do with lungs

 If you have back pain when breathing, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. In addition to a lung disease, pleurisy can also be a possible cause.

When it hurts to breathe

If you feel back pain while breathing, you will involuntarily switch to shallow breathing. The pain is then more bearable. The stronger they become when coughing or sneezing.

The pain can appear as a side effect of an infection or a cold, but can also be warning signals for a more serious illness. That is why it is always important to see a doctor as soon as possible when you breathe back pain.
The doctor does that

The doctor usually first checks whether the back pain when breathing is caused by an inflammation of the pleura or a lung disease. Then he takes care of the ribs and thoracic vertebrae, which may be blocked. Sometimes a joint is also affected. In this case, treatment is given by the chiropractor. However, the prerequisite is that the doctor has previously ruled out organic causes for the back pain when breathing.

The complaints can be eliminated even more easily if they are only due to muscle tension. If the back pain occurs when breathing after a fall, bruises or a broken rib can also be the cause. The doctor will also consider these options.


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